keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. keep your words positive because your words become your behaviors. keep your behaviors positive because your behaviors become your habits. keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

end of the blog challenge

So today is Day 30 of my 30-day blog challenge! And aside from the day I technically posted after midnight (which I am still counting as a post for the day before) I met my challenge. Go me, go me. lol. Anyway, I am really happy that I started this blog and have been posting every day for the past month.

About a week ago I signed up for Google Analytics, which allows you to look at traffic to your blog. Not only is it sort of confusing, and not really that informative (IMO, or maybe I was just lazy with it), I realized that I don't really care whether 5 people or 500 people read my blog unless I could make some money out of this, that would be sweeeet. I'm basically writing this for myself....because it's something I've been wanting to do. At the same time, it is so encouraging when people let me know (whether in the comments section, or privately) that they enjoy reading my makes my day ;-)

One person told me they like reading because, in a way, it makes them feel more connected to me, since we don't talk on a daily basis. Two other friends caught up to the blog somewhat late and emailed me with responses to almost every post I had written. Things like this really mean a lot to me, and make me feel good about writing...thank you so much! I've really enjoyed posting so far, and I plan to continue to write on pretty much a daily basis. I hope yall will continue to read :-) By the way, for those of you who don't use Google Reader, what is wrong with you? didn't you read this post? you can now subscribe to get email alerts every time I post something new....just use the box to the left. Also for those of you who don't use a Reader, you can still see the items I am sharing, look to the left side of the blog page and you can see my most recently shared items.

On another note, today as I was sitting at my desk, looking at the forecast for the next 10 days, I thought back to a few days ago when I was sitting in B&N with Nix and Roomie and asked them where on St. Thomas, they would rather be. While pretty much anywhere on a tropical island beats DC right now (lol), I picked a very specific spot. All the way at the West end of the island there is an area called Botany Bay. It used to be private homes (or maybe a hotel?), but developers have since bought it (like they buy every other good parcel on the island) and are doing whatever developers do with it. Anywho, since my pops knows everyone and their mother on the island, we somehow were able to go down there (this was before the developers bought it) and spend a day enjoying it. It is super secluded because it's as far west on the island as you can go. Anyway, there is a little neck of land that connects the main land mass to another tiny tiny's kinda crazy but it's basically like a strip of sand with a beach shore on either side...and the sick thing is that one side is the Atlantic Ocean and one side is the Caribbean Sea.

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You can literally walk a few steps across the sand and be in either one. Obviously this is a geographic technicality, but I think it's pretty cool :-)

Anyway all of that rambling was to say: I'd love to be somewhere warm right about now!! Good thing I have some higher temperatures in my upcoming travels this weekend: yay!

I really wanted today's big chune to be "Stand Firm" by Lutan Fyah, but I can't find it on youtube :-/ Maybe I have the wrong song name...anyone know the song I'm talking about and whether it's called something else? Oh well. Instead, today's *big chune* is from up-and-coming artist Laura Izibor. She's half-Irish, half-Nigerian which obviously makes me like her even more lol. Her song From My Heart To Yours got some play, but I don't think she's really gotten much publicity in the US yet. Here's her song and video for "Don't Stay":


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