keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. keep your words positive because your words become your behaviors. keep your behaviors positive because your behaviors become your habits. keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

stop being so "alpha"

One of the bloggers I follow is featured in the Washington Post today. It's a cute little article about her positive approach to the dating woes of black women. (In contrast to some of the more pessimistic stories that have been circulating recently.) Here is her advice:

"Now that the weather is nice again and the men are out...I want to do a quick refresher course on how to meet men."
1. "Smile & Say 'hi.'
2. "If you want to meet a man, look like you want to meet a man. . . . Lip gloss and a comb never hurt anyone. Use both liberally.
3. "Men don't notice you across a room because of your brain. Give them something to look out for.
4. "Flatter your best asset. If it's your smile, um, smile. If it's your legs, wear a skirt.
5. "Stop looking for men in bunches like at the club or happy hour. Men are everywhere, on the street, in line, in the elevator, on the train (in fact, I ran up on a superior cutie last night getting off the train. . . . I smiled, said, 'Hell-o.' He took it from there.) When you see someone that catches your eye no matter where you are, say something. ('Hi' is fine. If he is remotely interested, he will take it from there. He's been practicing opening lines since he was 13.)
6. "Go out alone. (But be safe.) I know you just thought 'hell no!' Try it, just once."
 I have to admit, I have a hard time with rule number 1. This is surprising, because I consider myself to be a pretty friendly, approachable gal...but the latter point is important...I'm approachable not approaching (or whatever the proper term for what i'm trying to explain would know what i mean!). I'm not one of those girls who is going to make the first move...just not gonna happen. It often happens to me that I'll see someone interesting/attractive but can't quite figure out how to initiate that first contact. My approach right now is just to make lingering eye contact and a faint smile and hope they take a hint lol.

So, what do we think of this advice? Does anyone actually find it easy to be the "approacher"? Do share your secrets lol.

Today's *big chune* is a group that i initially thought was swv, but is actually called Mokenstef...the opening line gets me every time LOL


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