keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. keep your words positive because your words become your behaviors. keep your behaviors positive because your behaviors become your habits. keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.

Friday, April 16, 2010

o o o o obsessed

hi everyone! After a cool/rainy week, it's a GORGEOUS day in DC  :-)

Once I get onto a certain "thing" I can get semi-obsessed with it...previous (and some ongoing) "semi-obsessions" include biracialness, reading, cooking/food blogs, psychology, gluten free eating, skin care treatments, happiness, gossip blogs, caribbean literature...the list goes on and on.

Annnnnd these are the things I think about when i'm at work :-/ lol

My most recent obsession is hair!! As you know I'm in the process of growing out my relaxer in the hope of getting beautiful natural curls :-D

I did a half big chop last weekend and I'm counting down the weeks (about 6 - if i make it that long!) until i can go back and have Perry cut off some more. Hopefully it will have grown enough by then that I'll feel comfortable cutting off all the remaining relaxed parts. If not, I should have just a little bit of the awkward in-between hair left.

I've been perusing different natural/curly blogs/sites and I wanted to share a few that i like so far:

One of the hard (but great!) things is that there is so much diversity within natural hair, that it's been difficult to identify someone who has hair similar to my own. A lot of the natural hair sites I've been finding are for black women. The woman who does is mixed, but she'd muuuuuuch farther along (by 10 years and over 10 inches lol) in her hair process so her steps don't all apply to me yet. (Do any of you have other blogs/sites you'd recommend?)

In the end, i suppose it doesn't matter much because every single person's hair is different. What i need to do is continue to experiment and find out what works for me. I've been having what i consider a bad hair week (but I am pretty hard on myself about these things). In fact, yesterday i told Nix i was having an "ugly day." Does that ever happen to you. It's not that I'd done anything different and it wasn't even specifically about my hair. I just felt bleh.

Anyway, I'm not loving my hair today at all. Actually I think I may re-wash (conditioner only!) or at least re-wet tonight before I go out. My curls feel dry and unformed and the top/front awkward part is even more awkward than usual lol.

I'll be putting up Nix's guest post about her hair process soon, she's just making some revisions. I'm also soliciting posts from some of my friends so hopefully I'll have more of those on the way as well.

Today's *big chune* is another one of those songs that i really like but had forgotten about until it popped into my Pandora (i love Pandora for this reason). It's Avant's song called "Sailing"


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