keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. keep your words positive because your words become your behaviors. keep your behaviors positive because your behaviors become your habits. keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

i need a scholar

Blog Challenge: Day 9

I was a sophomore or junior (I have a terrible memory) when the Destiny's Child song "I Need a Soldier" came out. One of my super creative friends (shouts out to Zavi!) came up with a little remix called "I Need a Scholar." I don't remember any of the lyrics, so Zavi (or whoever remembers) please feel free to leave some in the comments.

Anywho, Nix actually reminded me of this song the other day (I forget how it came up...are you seeing a pattern here? lol), and I thought of it today because of a post left on my facebook wall recently. This wall post then got me thinking of previous sloppy emails I've received from guys. Now, I'm no Ph.D. yet, and I admit to using dubious grammar/spelling sometimes (I'm sure you're all checking this post for grammar/spelling), but I do try to write well for the most part. There is a proper place and time for loosened writing (e.g., correspondance with friends and family, casual blogging, im, texting). Communicating with someone (especially someone in whom you may be interested) for the first time is NOT the place/time to be lax about writing. I don't want to blow up anyone's spot so I can't really give specific examples, but let's just say that a particular sloppy arse email prevented a guy from getting anywhere with me. I'm not joking. I don't even remember if I emailed said gentleman back, but if I did it was definitely short and sweet.

Everyone has their pet peeves/deal-breakers. Poor grammar/spelling/writing/diction is one of mine.

What about you? Do you consider these things important? Would bad writing/speech be an issue for you? Or, are you guilty of this yourself?


P.S. I got an email from a student rep. at the UT Psych program (where I'll be interviewing next month!) and her signature line had the following quote: "Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared."

HOW AWESOME IS THAT! I can't wait to meet her :-D


  1. omg I remember this, we discussed it at length when it first occured! haha

  2. This is actually a pet peeve of mine in the professional world. I am shocked how often I receive emails from business colleagues that have horrendous spelling and grammar. (This is why spell check was invented people). I definitely think good written communication ability is an undervalued skill in this day and age.
