keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. keep your words positive because your words become your behaviors. keep your behaviors positive because your behaviors become your habits. keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

go ahead, make my day!

Blog Challenge Day 10

Earlier this week, I came across a cute little website listed at the bottom of one of The Happiness Project blog posts >>

This site allows people to submit little moments/stories of things that....made their day! Here are some examples that are my favs so far:

Today, in music class, the teacher put the wrong CD in to the CD player. The result was, instead of Tchaikovsky, Lady Gaga. IMMD
Submitted by: hy
Today I ran into a sliding glass door while working, leaving big forehead print on the glass…When I came back later, I saw someone had drawn a smiley face on the glass where the print was. IMMD
Submitted by: Paul
I was working at a daycare and today the kids I take care of were building a model city. One kid made a petting zoo and placed a Lion in the center. IMMD.
Submitted by: Gregg
The idea of this site is so awesome! It helps that the acronym is so I find myself using it. For example, Nix and roomieand I have a little weekend morning tradition of making pancakes for breakfast. The past two weekends we haven't been able to do it because Nix is working like a Jamaican weekend mornings. This morning I gchatted her to tell her that I miss our pancake breakfasts. She reminded me that she doesn't have to work until 11 this Saturday, so we can do pancakes...IMMD! Then she suggested that we send each other our "day-making" moments every day...IMMD all over again.  Nix is good for doing that :-)

A lot of us tend to be on auto-pilot, especially when we're busy/stressed. This seems like a great way to be more mindful. Small moments that seem insignificant can be a source of joy and happiness if you let them. I have two challenges for you:

1) Spend today taking notice of the small things.
2) Tell a friend about the idea of IMMD and encourage each other to share those moments.

So...what made your day today?! You can say that this post did...don't be shy ;-)


  1. Part 1. I got out of class a whole hour early. Part 2. Since I had some free time, I was able to catch up on my Google Reader, including Being Ms. Brightside. Part 3. I was also able to finish all my homework. IAMMD (It All Made My Day) lol

  2. It's so interesting that you posted about this site, of which I've never heard of...because my like, all time favorite sight is F(explictive) My Life. Kind of like the complete opposite, but equally satisfying to read. This post is awesome IMMD.

  3. coco...the fact that this post made your day MMD :-) i'd actually never heard of the FML site, but that's fun too! hehe

  4. 2 IMMD:
    (1) this post!
    (2) the fact that the phrase "it made my day" has a increasingly popularized acronym!

    I'm hoping something else will be IMMD-worthy later on! :)
